Bronze is a very hardy material and will last forever. As experts in coloring bronze, Gillie and Marc enjoy experimenting with their sculptures, adding a splash of color to brighten the work, making it even more unique. Gillie and Marc love working in bronze for many reasons. Once you take her home, you'll be her favourite subject! Remind yourself how amazing you are with the paparazzi Rabbitwoman hounding you for your photo every day, just like a celebrity! Now Rabbitwoman has joined their ranks and is getting ready to snap the best pictures. Beloved by all, from presidents to Snoop Dogg, the dogs have become stars in themselves. The pap dogs have swept the globe, snapping pictures of people from all walks of life, making sure everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame. After this they moved to the Rockefeller Centre, NY.Contemporary Figurative, Happy Art, Entertainment This triangle is named after Brooklyn native Ruth Wittenberg, born in 1899.

So head down to see the Pap Dogs now – we promise they don’t bite! Their next stop is Ruth Wittenberg Triangle in Greenwich Village. With Brooklyn, Manhattan Bridge and New York City as a backdrop, it’s the ideal place to get your photo taken. Anchorage Place is situated under Manhattan Bridge right next to the water. It’s perfect for the camera shy and people watching. Pearl Street Triangle is a shaded space that is brimming with chic, vintage style. And DUMBO is such a fun, trendy neighborhood that leaves you feeling so stimulated.” You’ll find the Pap Dogs in Pearl Street Triangle and Anchorage Place. “They’ve travelled the globe taking photos, and now they’ve arrived at the place that has been photographed more than anywhere else. DUMBO – New York’s premier art district you don’t want to miss “We’re so excited that our Pap Dogs are in New York,” says Gillie. Their work is held in collections all over the world. The artists paint, sculpt and photograph with the goal to create joyful, thought-provoking and interactive works that celebrate unlikely unions while inspiring us to re-examine the status quo. Seven days later they were married in the foothills of Mount Everest. Instantly they realised they’d found their soulmate. She was a nurse from England and he was a boy from the ‘burbs’ of Melbourne.

The husband and wife team are Sydney-based contemporary artists who collaborate to create art as one. Gillie and Marc -promoting love and togetherness Gillie and Marc have worked side by side for over 25 years. They intentionally used a group of dogs to expose the pack mentality of the media and how we hunt down celebrities to get that dangerous “behind-the-scenes” glimpse into their private lives. The artists wanted us to reflect on the tragic and avoidable death of Princess Diana. But what happens when celebrities’ self-monitored social media pictures aren’t enough? When does that hunger to see celebrities on grocery shopping or failing their diets lead to something more sinister? Gillie and Marc’s named the Pap Dogs Charles, William, Harry and Tom after the Royal Family. When we’re not capturing our own experiences, we’re desperate to see other people’s. We take photos of our morning coffee or snap endless selfies on our evening commute. As a society, we’re obsessed with photographing every moment. People from all over the world, along with celebrities such as Snoop Dog, were eager to pose with the “Pap Dogs”, quickly giving them a celebrity status. Within days the life-sized dogs went viral with millions of visitors coming to see them.

Paparazzi gif rabbit series#
Paparazzi Dogs - a world famous, social phenomenon In 2013 critically acclaimed contemporary artists, Gillie and Marc, launched a series of sculptures called Paparazzi Dogs. After covering Melbourne, Sydney, Singapore, Beijing and Shanghai, the four Dogmen will be sniffing out the rich and famous in Brooklyn’s buzzing art district, DUMBO. Gillie and Marc’s Paparazzi Dog sculptures have gone from being an art experiment about photographing celebrities to sought-after celebrities in their own right. Materials Fibreglass with 2 pack paint WORLD FAMOUS PAPARAZZI DOGS GO CELEB-HUNTING IN NEW YORK AFTER WORLD TOUR